6 Sessions Instant Audio Download
Price: $57.00 $29.97
Duration: 789 min
Success in horsemanship is learning how to interpret and "speak" the horse's natural language.
You have probably heard the phrase "Holistic Horsemanship" before. But did you ever stop to think about what it really means? Well at Reach Out to Horses, Holistic Horsemanship goes way beyond learning a few techniques or trying to force the same step-by-step method on every horse you meet.
It's a mindset. It is the very way you interact and communicate, not just in training, but in every moment you spend with your horse. It is the desire to build a trust-based partnership with the horse, and fluency not only in their language, but an intimate understanding of their psychology, biology, herd dynamics, and much more.
Reach Out To Horses is a one-of-a-kind holistic horsemanship program which combines proven natural horsemanship, animal communication, and the use of energy for both training and healing the horse. The foundation of the program begins with an understanding of not only the techniques of natural horsemanship, but becoming fluent in the Language of Equus.
And now you will have the opportunity to uncover the insights that have not only made Anna and the Reach Out Program so successful but you will also learn from 5 other masters in the world of holistic horsemanship. In this downloadable audio program you will enter the world of the horse, a world few horsemen and women truly know.
Over the course of 13 hours of cutting edge instruction you will explore:
Session One: Connection & Communication
In this first session, we'll cover many of the nuances of the Language of Equus, the grammar of which is RICH in the use of body language, and the detection and direction of energy. Understanding and mastery of THIS ALONE will set your skills above those of the average horse trainer or enthusiast. It is one of the skills exhibited by legendary Horse Whisperers which makes what they do appear to be magical.
Session Two: Becoming Fluent in the Language of Equus
In this second session, Anna discusses how to use the obstacle course at liberty, in-hand, and even while riding to perfect your use of energy, telepathy, and body language to build not only your confidence, but the horse's as well. She also covers the use of the obstacle course liberty training to build the trust-based partnership you've always wanted with your horse and how to avoid behavioral issues with trust-building exercises. As a special bonus, Judy Sinner, a nutritional expert with Dynamite Supplements, joins in on the conversation to share how nutrition plays a key role in holistic horsemanship and training, as well as in the avoidance of behavioral problems.
Session Three: Positive Reinforcement and the Proper Use of Reward
In session three, Anna teaches you how to identify what motivates the horse you're working with and how to use that to bring out the very best in the both of you. She covers the proper use of food as reward, and under what circumstances you may want to consider using it. To add a whole new layer to the session, Alan Pogue and Sue DeLaurentis, of Imagine a Horse, experts in equine trick training, join in to present how to teach your horse something which should be fun for both of you, using food and other positive rewards.
Session Four: Solving Behavioral Problems Compassionately
During this session, Anna discusses some very common problem behaviors you may currently be working with, or if you're around horses for any length of time, you WILL be confronted by. Biting, striking, boxing, trailer loading problems, and evasions while riding, are just a few of the problems covered. Then renowned horsewoman Leslie Desmond, co-author with Bill Dorrance of "True Horsemanship Through Feel." joins in to present her top tips to overcoming problems in you and your horse's development as a team.
Session Five: Equus as Your PERSONAL Self-Help Guru
In this session, we'll cover how important the use of your mind and making a true connection with the horse on not only a mental but spiritual level is to successful "Horse Whispering". You will see how, in building a trust-based partnership with your horse, you may in fact be looking straight into a mirror, polishing your own rough edges, and in the process, enriching your life and other relationships. Melisa Pearce, Founder of Touched By a Horse and renowned Equine Gestalt Psychotherapist, joins in to discuss the use of the mind, telepathic communication with the horse, and the use of energy in holistic horsemanship.
Session Six: Holistic Horsemanship From the Ground to the Withers
In our final session, Anna ties everything together to show you how you can apply the principles of holistic horsemanship in the saddle. Are you aware exactly how sensitive your horse is, and how they can feel your energy, your moods, and your intent while you're on their back? Do you have an understanding of how the horse can become an extension of your body and mind, and how this connection will improve when you ride using your intuition? You will find out as Anna sets aside time to answer some of the most common questions about Horse Whispering and Holistic Horsemanship.
When you learn and commit to mastering these principles and skills, you will improve not only your horse's life but the lives of every horse with which you come in contact.
Take your horsemanship to new heights!
Photo by Lauren Munger
- Over 14 hours of cutting edge downloadable audio instruction
- Interviews with Anna and five experts in the fields of horsemanship, training and equine care
- Learn trust-based training methodologies
- Create true partnership with your horse
This is a downloadable audio program. Once you purchase the program you will receive an email with the link and instructions needed to access the files. If you do not receive an email immediately make sure it is not in your spam folder or being blocked by your email provider or program. If you have any additional questions or concerns you can contact us at [email protected].