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RONH - TLC and Compassionate Communication

Reach Out to Horses® presents...
TLC - Trust-Based Leadership and Compassionate Communication

If you have been searching for a more evolved horsemanship method, if you want to take your skills and your relationship with your horse to a deeper level, this is the program you’ve been waiting for!

Say goodbye to frustration, struggle, confusion, misunderstanding, flaring tempers, fear and anxiety for both you and your horse. Instead, welcome to a new way of thinking, a new way of being.

Welcome to a day when your horse greets you at the gate with a rolling nicker, excited to see you, and invites you to ride. Welcome to a place where the two of you converse in the unique, silent language of your equine companion. Welcome to the world of a highly motivated individual; sharing mutual respect, understanding and enjoyment, naturally, and on a regular basis.

This is the world of internationally renowned Equine Specialist and Natural Horsemanship clinician Anna Twinney and now it can be yours!

In this program you will meet Excalibur, a handsome Spanish Mustang originally born on thousands of acres in Wyoming, and today representing his ancestor’s as the Reach Out to Horses Ambassador. “X” and Anna will take you through the benefits of the Trust-Based Leadership and Compassionate Communication practice. With just a little TLC, you can set your horse up for success and achieve that connection of grace and ease you’ve always imagined.

Using Anna’s TLC methods you will be able to:

  • Understand the importance of intimacy and relaxation exercises and how to use them correctly
  • Overcome your horse’s challenging habits and behavior patterns
  • Prepare your young horse for his first saddle, bridle and rider
  • Desensitize your horse to common situations and tack
  • Prepare your horse for doctoring and medical examinations/emergencies
  • Earn your horse’s trust and learn how to continue to gain and build his trust
  • Develop methods to read your horse’s mood, personality, character, likes & dislikes
  • Create a toolbox to foster that perfect connection on a daily basis
  • And much more!

Regardless of your equine ability or pursuit, through the TLC techniques you will develop tools you can use on all ages and breeds to understand your horse, establish a partnership based on unity and trust and finally enjoy a relationship with your horse that you’ve only dreamed about.