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Awaken, Activate, Aid and Alleviate: Animal Communication Webinar Replay Bundle

Buy the bundle and save on these 6 episodes on Animal Communication.


Originally aired on April 15, 22 & 29, 2020

  • Episode 1: Activate Your Animal Communication
  • Episode 2: Hearing Your Herd, Pack or Clowder
  • Episode 3: Traveling the Rainbow Bridge

During these strange and uncertain times, we are all feeling the worry, concern and the stress of what is happening and what is to come. Often it is times like these we look to our animals for love, comfort and support. But this is also the time when our animals need us as much as we need them!

My name is Anna Twinney. I am an international Animal Communicator, Horse Whisperer, Holy-Fire Reiki Master, teacher, and mentor. I’ve been teaching animal communication in person, and in webinar format, for almost 2 decades and I've offered private animal communication consultations for even longer.

The first time I made a connection with an animal, I knew my life would never be the same again. Life suddenly became an even greater adventure, with deep truths uncovered, and wisdom shared from nature and the animal kingdom.

In many ways, as I was helping an animal and her companion resolve their issues, I was receiving my own healing and education on how things really are. The animals have been my guides in a journey of constant healing and self-discovery.

There is so much that animal communication can do for us all, and there are also many facets to this "art of love" that you might not even know exsist. So I created 2 info-packed, content-rich webinar series for you.
Each one is a 3-episode journey through what I think are some very important, often misunderstood and overlooked elements of inter-species communication.

Because of our current quarantine status (yes, I'm at home too) the entire experience is online and recorded. After purchase you have unlimited access to replays of every episode... for LIFE!


Originally aired on May 22, 23 & 24, 2020

  • Episode 1: Has the Coronavirus Affected your Animals
  • Episode 2: Uncharacteristic Behavior Explained
  • Episode 3: Animals Pain Aid, Rehab & Recovery


This second series contains potentially life-saving information for you and your companion. You will learn how animal communication can be a powerful aid to supporting your animals through trauma, whether it be physical, emotional, behavioral or even Spiritual.

Episode 1: Has the Coronavirus Affected Your Animals

These are very stressful times and we may not even recognize that the energy and stress of the moment are deeply impacting our companions. But it isn't only now during the COVID-19 pandemic. This webinar applies to any traumatic situation, whether it be globally or locally, or even in our own homes. Find out how trauma affects your animals, how to identify the trouble your companion is having, and how animal communication can help.

Episode 2: Uncharacteristic Behavior Explained

Uncharacteristic behavior is one of the first signs that something isn't right. And while some just shake their heads and say, "Animals do strange things", animal communicators know there is a reason for everything. Animals don't exhibit random behavior for no reason. Find out why your animals do what they do and how you can help them find themselves once again through inter-species communication.

Episode 3: Animal Pain Aid, Rehab & Recovery

We finish our 9-hour series with Animal Communication and Pain, Rehab and Recovery. When the concerns are obvious and physical we may think we have all the answers just by looking at our companions. But don't be so sure. Physical ailments can usually have deeper causes, issues, or impacts that we can't see. I will show you how animal communication has literally saved lives for many animal companions and how you can work with your animals in a deeper way to ensure healing on all levels.