Holistic Horsemanship Foundation Certification Course - Part I
ROTH Holistic Horsemanship Foundation Certification Course
Prerequisite: There are no pre-requisites to this course, although it is recommended that you have attended a Reach Out to Horses® clinic and/or seminar prior to attending. Students are recommended to purchase the Reach Out to Natural Horsemanship™ DVD series prior to their attendance.
About this 200-hour program: Level 1 of the Program is designed for those people who have a genuine desire to learn gentle trust-based, non-dominant communication methods. It is the perfect starting point for equine enthusiasts, potential horse guardians, instructors, trainers, managers, those working in the equine industry and those seeking to become professional trainers and clinicians.
If you are a novice, concerned you don't have the experience needed to succeed, don't fret. As a beginner you have a clean slate, perfect for us to share methods and techniques to start your training off right from the very beginning.
For the more seasoned professional we can increase your awareness, guide your abilities and enhance your current skill set, providing you with the training and experience necessary to really stand out in the equine industry.
Once all requirements are completed, you will be ready to go out into the world, certificate in hand, to spread the philosophies of genuine trust-based horsemanship. Completion of Level 1 gives you the freedom to spread your wings to explore new and additional methods as your heart desires.
Certificates of Completion of the Reach Out to Horses® Holistic Horsemanship
Introductory Course will be given to those completing all 3-parts.
Section One:
12-Day Program: 9am – 5pm supervised training each day (2 hours additional daily study is required for horse psychology project and an alternative therapies presentation)
Extend your knowledge of the language of Equus by attending this 3-part intensive course. This program is designed to provide you with insights into the language of the horse from body language to feeling and controlling energy through to inter-species communication. You will be introduced to another way of communicating and relating to horses and expand your knowledge to encompass everyday aspects of handling.
Through herd observations and exercises you will learn how to
- read your horse
- behave and respond to them
- gain respect and maintain ground manners
- help them to overcome natural fears and concerns
We will examine ways to approach horses and respond to them correctly in their own environment of a stall, paddock or turn-out. You will experience the impact your eyes have and learn how effective they can be to draw a horse to you, gain their attention, alter their speed or invoke a response. You will also overcome catching difficulties, as you discover what motivates your horse, whilst creating an environment where they want to be with you, want to lower their head into the halter and later choose to give their defenses up by lifting their feet and even trotting into the trailer through freedom of choice!
As you work with your horse’s mind, you will learn the use of a pressure halter a way in which to introduce them to obstacles and to allow confidence to build for both of you during groundwork. You will begin to recognize the way horses learn and the benefits this has for your later mount. Free-schooling through body language and ground-driving techniques will be other areas we touch upon. This practice will enhance your timing and pressure/release skills while allowing you to learn to trust your instinct – all of which will lead to harmony between you and your four-legged partner.
Join us in North Carolina for an experience of a lifetime!
If you are ready to join us in September download and fill out the application below.
Reach Out to Holistic Horsemanship Comprehensive 3-part Training Program 2024 Application
Reach Out to Horses Holistic Horsemanship Foundation Course - Section 1
September 9th - 21st, 2024
Location: Whispering Feather Farm, Mill Spring, North Carolina
BONUS GIFT! Upon full payment, all Holistic Horsemanship Foundation Course participants will receive access to 2 Horsemanship Audio Download Programs, Insights into Holistic Horsemanship and The World of Holistic Horsemanship, FREE! (A $114 value)