Anna Twinney is the founder of Reach Out to Horses®, based in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Golden, Colorado.  As an internationally respected Natural Horsemanship Clinician and Trainer, Animal Communicator and Reiki Master she travels the world teaching the art of creating a trust-based partnership between Humans, Horses and all Animal Companions. She has conducted clinics, classes and training sessions in Australia, Canada, Denmark, England, Germany, France, Holland, Sweden, Spain, Norway, New Zealand and throughout the entire United States. 

Anna's dream is to take the Reach Out to Horses® program around the world, especially to Third World countries, to make a difference in the lives of the working horses and people who don't have access to these ground-breaking methods.


Vin Mancarella

Vincent is the backbone of Reach Out to Horses.  In addition to his creative contribution as a writer, editor and assistant in the development of media and programs he is critical to the technical, managerial and marketing of the Reach Out to Horses Program.  

Vin’s mission is to invite and guide people to the possibilities and potential of living a true life of spirit; getting to the core of what they truly wish to create and be in the world.   


Crawford Hall (Mentor)

Crawford was Anna’s mentor in the world of Natural Horsemanship and the biggest influence in Anna’s formative training years at the Monty Roberts International Learning Center in Solvang, CA. He was paramount in the training of student and instructors alike teaching every facet of equine behavior and care including nutrition, conformation, anatomy, breeding, foaling, grooming, shoeing, stabling, general veterinary care and much more.


Lacey Knight

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Excalibur (X)

"The Return of Bravo"

Excalibur, a Spanish Mustang from the open range of the Spanish Mustang Registry in Wyoming, has returned to join Anna and help teach people about the fabled mustang.  Just like Merlin, Anna's trusty canine companion, X has a deep soul connection with her and he loves to test Anna, keeping her honest every chance he can. Anna hopes one day to take this smart young guy around the country so he can show everyone, first hand, just what a Mustang can do.

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Office: (303) 642-7341
Email: [email protected]

Reach Out to Horses
Whispering Feather Farm
5911 Big Level Rd.
Mill Spring, NC 28756-6710

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