Loading Clinic



Rather than leaving it to the last minute and putting the ramp up quickly to ensure your horse stays on the trailer, create an environment to encourage your horse to want to load!

Eye contract prevents forward motion for, our largest charge at 18+ hands, into the 2-horse trailer in Sealand, DK

Softness all around.

Everybody’s content!

This is your chance to work alongside Anna with your horse. During a weekend clinic you will learn all about: Preparing yourself mentally, creating the correct and safe environment and the safe use of equipment. You will know how to teach your horse to come off pressure and why it is important to keep your adrenaline and that of your horse down. We will touch upon alternative methods to relax your horse, while discussing why food does not work as a reward. Strategies and helpful hints leading up to loading will be explored as the weekend progresses.

Expect the unexpected. Watch the soft, open hand to prevent Ransom from further harm.

Ransom praised for standing close to the new trailer, no further questions.

Ransom decides its time to leave the scene….without prior warning he rears & spins.

Moments later he is able to eat nearby foliage in the vicinity of the trailer

Relaxation and an ability to digest information was suggested, he was able to oblige. We finished on that note.

Photos by Terri McCleary and courtesy of Colorado Horse Rescue

Thanks so much for all of your training at the Roth Clinic. Red and Tornado are actually behaving much better. You're the best! - Steve, New York

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Office: (303) 642-7341
Email: [email protected]

Reach Out to Horses
Whispering Feather Farm
5911 Big Level Rd.
Mill Spring, NC 28756-6710

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